Which ingredients to create the best spod mix

I want to enhance my spod mixes for when the weather cools down and wanted to know what you guys are adding to yours. I have always gone for a simple enough approach of hemp, whole and crushed boilies and some sweetcorn. I have had some success with this mix but feel I could be adding something else to really attract the big carp. 


Asked by alwaysfishing, 03 Aug 18
2 Answers

You can quickly and easily put together a homemade spod mix that should attract lots of carp, not to mention save you a lot of money compared to the prices in the tackle shops for the ready made stuff. My mix consists of hemp, chili oil, crushed boilies, can of tuna (cheapest stuff you can find), frozen corn and some bird seed. You will need to soak the seed in boiling water for 24 hours to soften them up. You can also bulk up you spod mix with some bread. It is worth checking if the lake has any ingredients that are banned. I have seen quite a few places that ban tiger nuts for instance, so just double check before you go.

Posted by bigjohn 04 Aug 18

Grab yourself a bag of pigeon conditioner. It is a great mix of seeds that costs nothing and is simple to prepare. Just cover with boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Once this is prepared I will add some frozen sweetcorn, boilies to match my hookbait, pellets, groundbait and a glug of flavour enhancer. I think the key is to have lots of different colours, shapes, smells and sizes to really attract the carp.

Posted by bencarper 04 Aug 18